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3 smart goals

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Typing-39 mph

counting change-6 out of 10 on hard

key pad-115 kpm


Typing-45 mph

Counting change-10 out of 10 hard

key pad- 130 kpm


Minutes of the meeting.

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Payton informed chair to start meeting
chair took attendance and everyone was present.
chair suggested that we should dispose of the precious meeting’s minutes.
I made a move to dispose of the minutes.
Layne seconded it.
Chair asked Owen for the treasurer’s report.
Austi rudely complained about how she wanted us to have jiffy pop popcorn not Orval red’n Bockers
I agreed with Austi.
Layne informed the group that it was not appropriate to discuss that at that time.
Chair asked for the other committee and officer reports.
Chair said we should discuss fund raising projects and asked the leader of the project for the report.
Payton motioned and brodie seconded.
I said she wouldn’t support the fundraising efforts.
Brodie said that we should vote so that everyone has an equal chance.
Chair asked for anyone who wanted the Hunger Games to be out movie.
Everyone replied”aye”
Chair summarized and concluded the the meeting and stated the date of or next meeting also thanked everyone for attending the meeting.

Constructive Criticism By:Kaylin Gamache

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My hockey coaches told me that I need to improve on looking up for a pass, so that I could read passes, give better passes, and possibly get more goals/assists. I have been practicing a lot but I have really been struggling looking up for a pass and giving passes. So I went to my coaches and asked if they could give me some constructive criticism on my passing skills, they told me that I need to become more confident In myself and held onto the puck longer. Now all I do during practice is tell myself to look up and hold the puck just until somebody is open for a pass and I have improved a lot thanks to constructive criticism.

In math class my teacher told me that my grade was a D+ and that none of my homework was turned in and that I was bombing tests. I told him that I had no motivation to do my homework because it is not graded. He gave me constructive criticism by telling me that not doing your homework is the practice for the test. I realized that I need to start doing my homework in order to do well on tests. Now I am passing with a B+. And it really helped me to realize that doing homework in all of my classes is important.